Drawing of a newspaper

August 2024 Library Update

Aug. 01, 2024 Jan Burney

Fall programs

Photo of leaves in fall

A quick glance at our program pages in this edition shows that we have a lot to look forward to in the fall, with returning old favorites and new additions

Make sure you register early for any program to ensure you don’t miss your spot. Details about all programs are available on our calendar, or for a more compact and printable version download one of our fall program brochures when they become available. 

New Additions
Highlights of Returning Old Favorites

Out Loud 2024: Thrills in the Hills

We have an exciting line up for Out Loud 2024: Thrills in the Hills!

  • The Relics will perform October 12
  • Julie Van Rosendaal will share all things food-based October 16
  • Jim Mitchell will speak about his days as an Alberta Fish and Wildlife Officer October 19
  • Paul Rumbolt will amaze with his storytelling through music on October 25

There will be more details on these presenters next month’s. Don’t forget, free tickets are available at the library starting September 15.

Volunteers needed!

Word art of many words related to volunteering

We receive many compliments about our library, our programs and services we provide. None of what we do would be possible without the work and support of two very important groups: the Library Board and the Friends of the Sheep River Library Foundation. Right now, both groups are looking for forward-thinking and highly motivated volunteers to fill vacancies.

  • The Library Board is the legal entity responsible for the library. If you wish to have a say in what happens at the library, then this is the place for you.
  • The Friends group is the fundraising arm of the library which is focused on raising funds to support programs, technology and events through a variety of fundraising initiatives.

Please contact the library if you would like more information about either group.

Website Updates

Word art using computer code

Recently, you may have noticed changes to our website. The staff have been diligently updating most sections, adding more information, interesting links and making the navigation more user-friendly. We are on track to have everything polished by early fall. If you want to look at a completed page, check out the updated FAQ.

Reorganizing the Shelves

Photo of vintage books

We are also making some changes in the shelving area. We are in the final stages of preparing to move some sections around to make room to expand sections that need more materials to meet community demand.  If something is not where you expect it to be, please ask one of the staff to help you find it.

Video Recording Equipment In the Podcasting Room

Photo of a microphone

To make it possible to record high quality video as well as audio, we have added some new equipment to the podcast room. There is now a ring light, a second microphone, pop filters, and a collapsible green screen available for in-library use.

Too Hot at Home? 

Sweating emoticon

If you are struggling with the heat at home, remember that the library has air conditioning, comfortable couches, and stuff to read and do!