Word art of FAQ

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Card & Membership Questions

Register in person at the library. All library cards are valid for one year from date of issue.

  • Individual: $15
  • Family: $25

Visit the library catalogue at tracpac.ab.ca. Log in with the barcode number from your library card (the entire number from the back with no spaces) and your PIN.

You can use your online account to do many things, including:

  • See what items you have signed out and when they are due
  • Renew items
  • Monitor progress on the items you have requested we hold for you
    • If you are going on vacation or just have too much to read, you can also pause ("suspend") holds. You will continue to move up the hold list, but the items will only be delivered once the hold suspension time is over or after you reactivate the hold.
  • View your reading history
    • If you do not have any visible reading history, it is possible that the "save reading history" was not activated when you signed up fro your card. Contact the library for assistance.
    • Note: some of the eResources do not automatically update your sign-out history, but do keep a record in the app.

Your default PIN/PASSWORD is the last four digits of your phone number. If you are unsure of your PIN/PASSWORD, forgot it, or would like to reset it, contact us.

If the card was lost, let us know as soon as possible. You are responsible for all items signed out on your card, even if the card was stolen.

When you are able, come in to the library to get a replacement card.

If you use eResources, tell us when you replace the card so that we can transfer over your eBook holds, etc. to your new card number.

Finding, Borrowing, and Requesting Items

Search for books, eBooks, audiobooks, DVDs, video games, and more using the online catalogue TRACpac. If you need additional help, once you are on the TRACpac homepage, click on the "help" menu (shown in the image below), use the help page, or contact us.

Screen shot of the TRAC Homepage. The "help" button is the fourth menu item.

Place holds in person, by phone, or online (see the help topic "request materials" for more information). 

You may place up to 25 holds at one time. Books are held for one week once received at the Library and then sent back if not picked up. Please remember to suspend holds before going on vacation. You will keep your place in line, and ensure you're home when your items arrive!

Stop by the library during our open hours and ask a staff member at the desk. If you need assistance, we provide curbside pickup.

Books are held for one week once received at the Library and then sent back if not picked up. Please remember to suspend holds before going on vacation. You will keep your place in line, and ensure you're home when your items arrive!

Renewing Items

Renew items in person, by phone, or online (see the help topic "view and renew item out" for more information).

  • maximum of two renewals for most items

Usually, one or more of these reasons is why you can't renew a book:

  • You have reached the number of times you can renew the item
    • While most items can be renewed twice, there are a few exceptions. You can see how many renewals you have left on each item by logging in to tracpac.ab.ca
      Screenshot after login showing where you can see number of remaining

      If the layout of your screen doesn't match this, click on the "items out" text that the arrow is pointing to. The number of renewals left for each item is shown in the area within the brown oval

    • Contact us if you absolutely cannot make it back to the library to return your book in time (with the exception of our special equipment, items can be returned to the drop box to the right of the main entrance even when we are closed). In many cases, we can extend the due date by a few days.
  • Another library user has requested that we hold the item for them
    • To see if there are holds on the item you want to renew:
      • Click on the title of the item you want to renew. In the webpage that opens up, click on the title again. 
      • The second time you click on the title, you will see a page that includes a variety of information. Scroll down until you see "current holds." If the number next to this information is 0, most likely you have either reached the maximum number of renewals, or need to renew your library card. 
        Screen shot showing how many holds are on an item. In a screen reader, this will be read to you after the words "current holds"
  • Your library card is expired or you have more than $10 unpaid fines.
    • Stop by the library during our open hours and renew the card or pay your fines. When you are renewing the card, feel free to ask the staff member to renew the items you want to continue enjoying!

Late, lost, or damaged items

Overdue fines are charged at 10¢ per item/per day. We respectfully ask that you return library materials on time so other library users can access them.

Patrons that exceed $10.00 in overdue fines or lost or damaged item charges will have their borrowing privileges suspended until the fees are paid. 

Please contact us right away to prevent any unnecessary charges being applied to your account! Neither you nor the library wants you to be charged overdue fines on an item you know is lost! (If you find the item later, please contact us. In some cases, we reverse the lost items charge.)

Lost or damaged items are subject to replacement costs.

If you damage a book, please do not attempt to fix it yourself. If it is fixable, our specially trained staff will take care of it with the appropriate materials.  Items that are beyond repair may be charged to the borrower's account. 

Patrons that exceed $10.00 in overdue fines or lost or damaged items will have their borrowing privileges suspended until the fees are paid. 

Other Questions

We accept cash or debit for all amounts.

For donations we also accept cheques.

Volunteer, donate, or just stop in and read in our air conditioned or heated building!