drawing of a conference room with people at a table

Room Bookings

Available spaces

Room rates may be reduced for some programs run by non-profits, library business partners, etc. If you believe your meeting or workshop would qualify, please talk to us before you make your booking.



Equipment Available

Room rates

Room 1

Seats ~20 with tables & chairs

  • Very large screen TV Hooks up to your laptop with HDMI cable
  • White board (large or medium)
  • Flip chart stand 

Non-Profit groups: $10/hr 

For-Profit Groups: $20/hr 

Room 2 (podcast room)

Podcast recording and scanning lab

*assistance & training available*

  • Noise reduction installed in room for recordings
  • Microphone(s), pop filter, and headset
  • Laptop with audio recording software
  • Green screen and ring light
  • Flatbed scanner
  • Light box /light table
  • Desktop computer with scanner software

$10/session for recording


Scanning prices on request

Room 3

Seats ~30 with tables & chairs

  • Projection equipment with built-in screen. Hooks up to your laptop with HDMI cable
  • White board (large or medium)
  • Flip chart stand

Non-Profit groups: $10/hr 

For-Profit Groups: $20/hr

Room 4

Seats ~35 with tables & chairs

  • Projection equipment with built-in screen. Hooks up to your laptop with HDMI cable
  • White board (large or medium)
  • Flip chart stand
  • Enhanced sound system for movies

Non-Profit groups: $15/hr

For-Profit Groups:  $30/hr

Room 3 & 4 combined

Seats ~100 with ONLY chairs

  • Projection equipment with built-in screen. Hooks up to your laptop with HDMI cable
  • White board (large or medium)
  • Flip chart stand
  • Enhanced sound system for movies

Non-Profit groups: $20/hr OR $100/day

For-Profit Groups: $30/hr OR $150/day

Fireplace area

Please contact us

Non-Profit groups: $20/hr

For-Profit Groups: $30/hr 

Who can book?

We welcome bookings from individuals who do not have a library card.

Sheep River Library reserves the right to refuse any booking, including those not in agreement with Canadian or Albertan Laws. Specifically, this means that groups using our spaces cannot:

  • limit attendance on the basis of ethnicity, religion, gender, mental or physical disability as defined by the Constitution Act, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  • break any other laws, or treaties that the Canadian Government has signed

Use of a meeting room by a group or organization does not mean that the Sheep River Library or the Diamond Valley Library Board supports or agrees with the group’s policies or beliefs.

If any member of the group participating in the event/program/workshop breaks the guidelines set out in section 5.G of the Library policies, the Library Manager reserves the right to deny room booking privileges to the individual or group in the future.

How do we decide who can book a room?

New room bookings are prioritized according to:

  1. Library and Library-related programs and meetings
  2. Educational, cultural, informative, and/or governmental/civic programs and meetings
    • These include public lectures, panel discussions, workshops, etc.
  3. Private social events and commercial events

Room booking fee exemptions & reductions

Room rates may be reduced for some programs run by non-profits, library business partners, etc. If you believe your meeting or workshop would qualify, please talk to us before you make your booking.

There is no charge for groups that the Library has agreed to sponsor after consultation with the Library Manager. However, if the event or workshop is not free of charge to participants, a share of the fees will go to the Library. The fees that Sheep River Library will receive must be negotiated with the Manager.

Booking, cancelling, and rescheduling

To book a room, cancel, or reschedule an existing booking, please contact us. If you cancel with less than three business days notice, any refund of fees is at the library’s discretion.

Groups and individuals may be required to complete a Facility Rental Agreement, which must be signed by a legal adult.

Room rentals and bookings will not be permitted when Sheep River Library is closed (including statutory holidays) unless approved by the Library Manager. There may be extra fees associated with after-hours bookings.

Library expectations of groups and individuals using our spaces

Room users are expected to:

  • Pay whatever fees are due to confirm their booking in a timely manner
  • Set-up and take down on their own, and the amount of time booked should reflect how long you predict these activities will take
  • Leave all equipment and facilities at least as clean and organized as they were when they arrived.

A full list of responsibilities is in our policies section 5.G.iv.