Photo of books

Other Libraries

Marigold and other TRAC libraries

If you can place a hold on an item from a TRAC library, it can be returned to any other TRAC library. If you are uncertain if you can return to an item to a library different from where you are picking it up, talk to a staff member!

Other public libraries in Alberta

Alberta-wide borrowing is here. ME Libraries lets you join other public libraries across Alberta and borrow most of their physical materials using one library card. Make the most of your library card - access more items for free!

Most physical materials can be returned to any Alberta Library, however if you are returning something other than a book, DVD, CD, or Blue-ray, please confirm with library staff when you check the item out.

ME Libraries is a service of Alberta Public Library Network.

Alberta academic libraries: The Alberta Library

Logo for The Alberta Library

If you need more academic information, you can borrow from most Alberta post-secondary (college, university, technical school, etc.) libraries.

  • TAL Card
  • Always ask the loaning library about their policies! There are over 30 post-secondary institutions in Alberta, and it is not possible to summarize all their policies here.
    • If you graduated from the post-secondary school you want to visit, you will sometimes get better loan periods as an alumni.

More about The Alberta Library.

Alberta Law Libraries

Drawing of scales

If you are looking for legal information, the Alberta Law Libraries have a number of services they offer to the general public, including helping you find forms and other legal information related to your legal cases.

The Alberta Law Libraries recommend the following family law online resources:

  • CPLEA Family Law in Alberta is a comprehensive look at all aspects of the law as it relates to family. A very good place to start for anyone looking for factual, plain language information.
  • The Alberta Family Resolution Hub explores different avenues to resolve family law disputes, and guides users through the legal process. After following the path of questions, the Hub produces a tailored checklist of steps to take and documents to prepare.

Don't want to go in person?